Identity and Influence


What makes up our identity? How can we differentiate between our own identity and the influence of those around us?

Creating an identity is a complex process, especially during times of change, stress, and societal pressures. It's crucial for our mental well-being and sense of self to have a solid understanding of who we are.

Two main factors shape our identity.

  1. External influences, such as family and parental beliefs, friends' values, and societal and cultural norms.

  2. Personal influences, including our individual goals and values.

Balancing External and Personal Influences on Our Identity

Balancing external and personal influences is often the most challenging aspect of developing our identity and forming connections.

The perceptions we hold of ourselves can be deeply affected by the opinions of others and the overwhelming influence of social media. When subjected to negative external influences, such as criticism or unrealistic standards produced on social platforms, our self-image can suffer greatly.

This can have detrimental effects on our sense of identity and our ability to form meaningful connections with others.

Connection with our own Sense of Self and Identity

Understanding and acknowledging your own values, beliefs, and interests is fundamental in the process of developing and solidifying your unique identity. It is beneficial to draw inspiration from the values of those who are close to you, as they can serve as guiding examples.

However, it is vital to strike a balance between incorporating these influences and staying true to your own aspirations and values. This introspective process of self-discovery and self-definition will ultimately shape the person you aspire to become.

But it's easier said than done. So here are some tips on how you can achieve this:

Identify your Potential

Each of us possesses unique strengths and abilities that set us apart from others. These strengths may not always be obvious, but everyone has something they excel at. If you're having trouble recognising your own potential, consider seeking feedback from those around you.

Alternatively, you can explore different activities and experiences to uncover your talents and potentials. It's important to celebrate and take pride in what makes you unique.

Define your Values

Understanding and recognising your personal values and beliefs is a crucial part of defining your identity.

To begin, take the time to acknowledge which values and beliefs are most important to you. You don’t need to have all the answers immediately; it's okay to reflect and gradually identify the values and beliefs that resonate with you as you navigate through your daily life.

Make your Own Choices

To strengthen your confidence in decision-making and prioritise your own desires and needs over others' expectations, it's important to start small.

For instance, consider purchasing a clothing item simply because you genuinely like it, or attending an event because you want to enjoy the experience. These small steps can help you overcome the initial challenges and build your independence in decision-making.

Spend Time Alone

The benefits of spending time alone include:

  1. Self-discovery and self-awareness

  2. Time for introspection and reflection

  3. Freedom to pursue personal interests

  4. Enhanced creativity and problem-solving

  5. Reduced stress and anxiety

  6. Improved independence and self-reliance

  7. Opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation

  8. Better decision-making and clarity of thought

Consider your Purpose and Connections

Once you have a stronger and more structured sense of self, you can begin to align your identity and your purpose together. This can help direct the way you want to implement and live through your values and beliefs. This can help reinforce feelings of success and accomplishment and encourage you to be more self-confident and content.

Remember this:

Your identity is not a fixed, unchanging answer to who you are. Instead, it evolves and transforms with the experiences you go through in life. You may find yourself resonating with different versions of yourself at different times. That's the beauty of being a unique individual. You may outgrow one identity, but you'll always be able to connect with another.

If you're struggling with how you perceive your identity or finding it difficult to develop one, it can be helpful to talk to a healthcare professional.


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